This guide is for students in Mrs. VanWormer and Mrs. Horne's CP Writing class
who are working on the Final Argument Unit.
who are working on the Final Argument Unit.
Your Assignment: Final Argument Unit
GHS Library: Newspapers & Databases
(use for access to academic journal articles, newspaper articles, and more)
(use for access to academic journal articles, newspaper articles, and more)
Recommended Websites
- The Atlantic
- The Chronicle of Higher Education
- Education Week
- National Public Radio
- Newsweek
- Reuters
- Time Magazine
- USA Today
- The Wall Street Journal
- The Washington Post
Citation Tools
- Use NoodleTools to help generate and organize citations in MLA format.
- Remember to cite ALL sources!
- For Access:
- Log into your Cherry Creek School account:
- Search for and select the "Noodletools" tile
- Either create an account OR login using "Clever"
MLA Sample Paper with Works Cited Page:
Click Here
Video Tutorial:
Finding/Capturing the MLA citation and URL on databases
Click Here
Video Tutorial:
Finding/Capturing the MLA citation and URL on databases